We are pleased to announce that Conan 1.49 is out and comes with some significant new features and bug fixes. First, it’s worth mentioning that we have finally removed support for Python2 in Conan. Also, we have made some improvements to the CMakePresets support to allow parameterizing the output folders using the value of the recipe settings and options. Now you can use layouts feature in the conanfile.txt adding the [layout] section. A new tools.apple.fix_apple_shared_install_name tool has been introduced, to fix shared libraries that do not set the correct LC_ID_DYLIB and LC_LOAD_DYLIB fields. Finally, we have added two new helpers: conan.tools.build.can_run() and conan.tools.microsoft.check_min_vs().

Removed Python2 support

Starting with version 1.49, Conan will no longer work with Python 2. This is because security vulnerabilities of Conan dependencies that haven’t been addressed in Python 2, so the only alternative moving forward is to finally remove Python 2 suport.

Python 2 was officially declared End Of Life two years and a half ago, and Conan 1.22 already declared Python 2 as not supported. Extra blockers have been added in previous Conan releases to make everyone aware. With the security vulnerabilities that fall outside of our scope, it has become impossible to continue supporting Python2 moving forward.

Please upgrade to Python>=3.6 to continue using Conan>=1.49.

New [layout] section in conanfile.txt

Until Conan 1.49 you could only use the layouts feature by defining the method in a conanfile.py. Conan 1.49 comes with support for layouts in the conanfile.txt as well. You can now add a new [layout] section in your conanfile to add one of the following pre-defined layouts:

In the case of the cmake_layout, this feature enables consumers that use conanfile.txt to take advantage of the CMakePresets integration. Let’s see an example of a simple consumer project that builds a compressor application with the following structure:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── conanfile.txt
└── src
    └── compressor.c

Where the conanfile.txt declares the cmake_layout, requires zlib/1.2.11 and uses the CMakeDeps and CMakeToolchain generators:




If you do a conan install ., you can see that the files are generated according to the default cmake_layout and the CMakeUserPresets.json is created in the base folder, next to the CMakeLists.txt.

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── CMakeUserPresets.json
├── build
│   └── generators
│       ├── CMakePresets.json
│       ├── FindZLIB.cmake
│       ├── ...
│       └── module-ZLIBTargets.cmake
├── conanfile.txt
└── src
    └── compressor.c

Then you can invoke the presets calling CMake:

cmake --preset release
cmake --build --preset release      

The results of the build will end in the same folder as if we were using a conanfile.py with the cmake_layout defined in the layout() method:

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── CMakeUserPresets.json
├── build
│   ├── Release
│   │   ├── CMakeCache.txt
│   │   ├── CMakeFiles
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── Makefile
│   │   ├── cmake_install.cmake
│   │   └── compressor
│   └── generators
│       ├── CMakePresets.json
│       ├── ...
│       └── module-ZLIBTargets.cmake
├── conanfile.txt
└── src
    └── compressor.c

You can check that the compressor application was built in the /build/Release folder as defined in the cmake_layout.

Improved CMakePresets with parameterized layout

Conan has incrementally improved the support for CMakePresets in the most recent releases. Since Conan 1.49 you can use the new tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars configuration to modify the cmake_layout default values for the conanfile.folders.build and conanfile.folders.generators attributes and also the default preset names for CMakePresets. Let’s begin from the previous [layout] example to see how this works.

As you know, the name of the presets and output folders by default is set to the value of the build_type setting, so they are named Release or Debug by default. Let’s use this configuration to change that default, so that those folders and preset names take other settings into account, like for example the arch setting.

Let’s to do a conan install and pass the tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars configuration as an argument:

conan install . -c tools.cmake.cmake_layout:build_folder_vars='["settings.arch"]'

Now, if you list the available presets, you will see a new preset including the architecture and the builds will output the files to the corresponding folder containing the used archicture and build type in the name.

$ cmake --list-presets
Available configure presets:

  "Release"        - 'Release' config
  "Release-x86_64" - 'Release-x86_64' config

$ cmake --preset Release-x86_64

$ cmake --build --preset Release-x86_64

New tools.apple.fix_apple_shared_install_name tool

We have added the new tool tools.apple.fix_apple_shared_install_name to help users address problems that can occur when shared libraries in Apple platforms.

As we explained in the Conan documentation making shared libraries relocatable in Apple platforms requires an extra effort because when shared libraries are built, two fields called LC_ID_DYLIB and LC_LOAD_DYLIB containing the “install name” are embedded in the library header information, usually pointing to an absolute shared library location in the filesystem. This absolute location will make the library load fail when it’s loaded in a different system without the library in that location.

The best solution to avoid this problem is to pass the appropriate flags for the linker so that the absolute folder is substituted with the @rpath value. The @rpath special keyword will tell the loader to search a list of paths to find the library. These paths can be defined by the consumer of that library by defining the LC_RPATH field through linker options. It’s worth noting that, for example, CMake will do this by default, searching the libraries your are linking against and adding the LC_RPATH entries pointing at those.

Not all libraries are prepared to provide relocatable shared libraries, so if you make a package for a library whose binaries are not relocatable, you have only two options, either patching the libraries’ build scripts to make them relocatable or fixing the binaries after the build.

The tools.apple.fix_apple_shared_install_name tool can help fix the binaries after the build step. You would normally invoke this tool in the package() method of the recipe, after moving the binaries to the package folder. Let’s see how to use it with an example of a library that uses Autotools as the build system:

from conan.tools.apple import fix_apple_shared_install_name

class HelloConan(ConanFile):


  def package(self):
      autotools = Autotools(self)

This tool will search for all the shared libraries in the package folder and fix the values for LC_ID_DYLIB and LC_LOAD_DYLIB so that they point to libraries using the @rpath keyword instead of absolute folders. This way you can install this package in different systems with different locations and be sure the the library will load.

For a more detailed explanation on how this tool works, please read the Conan documentation.

New can_run() and check_min_vs helpers

Finally, two new tools deserve a mention here:

  • conan.tools.build.can_run(conanfile): This can be an useful tool to use in a test_package, instead of checking if the binary has been cross compiled using the cross_building() tool, you can use can_run() to cover the cases where the host platform can run binaries built for other architectures. This is the case for Mac M1 machines that can run both armv8 and x86_64 executables.

  • conan.tools.microsoft.check_min_vs(conanfile,version): This tool checks if we are using at least the minimum required version for the msvc or Visual Studio compilers. The important thing is that it will accept both version arguments for Visual Studio (1.x) and msvc (2.0) compilers, allowing the migration of recipes from 1.X to 2.0 without breaking.

Besides the items listed above, there were some minor bug fixes you may wish to read about. If so please refer to the changelog for the complete list.

We hope you enjoy this release and look forward to your feedback.