Free online Conan hands-on training: Essentials, Advanced and CI/CD
UPDATE 04-June-2020: Due to the very high demand, we are opening new training sessions for June again. Go to ConanDays to reserve your seat.
Conan C/C++ Package Manager is a powerful tool with many features that give a lot of power to users, even for the most challenging enterprise environments. While the Conan documentation is a solid reference to get started, it takes some time to master it. Are you interested in Conan and need help to onboard your team?
When we had to postpone ConanDays due to the Covid-19, we were disappointed. We had been very excited to be able to meet with many Conan users and the community and that was no longer happening. Nonetheless, one of the things that made us very happy was the fact that the training sessions we offered had been sold-out long before the event, and companies not coming to ConanDays began asking for them.
So we decided to first try to fulfill the original demand by offering online training sessions to people who had previously registered for the training sessions at ConanDays. We have already done 2 sessions of Essentials training, 3 sessions of Advanced training, and 2 sessions of CI/CD training. The feedback has been amazing and we’ve continued to be asked for more sessions, so here we go!
We are now opening more sessions for every training in 2 time zones, EMEA/APAC and the US. You can get the dates and times for them in the ConanDays homepage, as well as the links to register for the different sessions. They will run in sequential order, in different weeks so it will be easy to attend the 3 of them.
You can get more details about the contents, but here is a summary of the scope of each of the training sessions:
- Essentials: No initial knowledge required besides basic command line usage and some minimal CMake. This training is done in collaboration with, a JFrog partner company that does consultancy services around Conan.
- Advanced: Topics like package revisions, package_id modes and lockfiles are covered in this one. You should already be comfortable using Conan, know how to create packages, upload them, and how generators and integration with build systems work.
- CI/CD: It is important that you know the Advanced concepts first, before doing this training, as in this one we would be building some pipelines that create packages and re-build products. So things like package revisions and package_id modes are prerequisites.
The training sessions are almost exactly the same as what we had intended for ConanDays. They are 3 hours hands-on training, with lots of exercises that attendees execute in a virtualized environment which we provide (only ssh connection necessary). They are completely free, only a registration deposit is required and returned after attendance to avoid no-shows. Preparing these training sessions is a lot of effort, and sessions are limited to only 20 attendees to give the best possible experience. Not only does the presenter explain exercises on zoom, but the Conan team is answering questions and helping students to follow the exercises in parallel.
The engagement has been great, and later anonymous surveys show a top rating from >70% of the participants.
We announced these training sessions yesterday to users mailing-list and 30% of seats have already been booked. If you are interested, please go to ConanDays and get your spot!