Conan 1.17: The Conan user survey, lockfiles, new graph commands, package ID modes for revisions, apple-clang 11.0 support and usability improvements
Great news in this 1.17 release! The new lockfile feature has arrived together with a new conan graph
commands and package ID modes for
recipe and package revisions. We are also running a user survey to gather some feedback. Let’s check it out!
The Conan User Survey
We are running a user survey to gather some feedback from the community. As you know, Conan Package Manager is fully OpenSource, we do not capture any kind of information on your usage. This survey will help us to size our resources accordingly across different areas (development, support, etc.), to estimate the importance of some feature requests, the impact of bugs or regressions, and to prioritize development in general.
Please take 2 minutes to fill the survey and help the Conan project. The results of the survey will be exclusively for the internal use of the JFrog-Conan team to evolve Conan to better suit your needs. Thanks!
Freeze your dependencies with lockfiles
When a package in a dependency graph is modified and a new version or revision is created, it is sometimes desired to test if that new version works well within a larger product or project, that is, when that package is part of a larger dependency graph.
The packages that depend on the modified one might need to be rebuilt, but if something else changed (a new version of another upstream dependency is released), it is impossible to achieve reproducible builds.
The Conan lockfiles achieve that functionality storing the information of a dependency graph. This information includes the exact versions, revisions, options, and configuration. As every graph in Conan is different depending on the input settings and options of each profile used, there will be one lockfile for each configuration.

Lockfiles are useful to achieve deterministic builds, even if the dependency definitions in conanfile recipes are not fully deterministic, for example when using version ranges or using package revisions.
Check the new section about lockfiles in our documentation to learn more about this powerful feature!
Manage lockfiles and the update of dependencies in your graph
One of the applications of lockfiles is to be able to propagate changes in one package belonging to a dependency graph to its affected downstream consumers. This can be achieved with the aforementioned lockfiles and the package ID revision mode (read more in the next section).
The main point about manipulating lockfiles is to coordinate the rebuild of the affected packages building them in isolated environments, for example, different slaves. So you get the results of an isolated package creation, and then you update the main lockfile to continue processing the rest of the packages guaranteeing that the following compilations will use the previously built packages.
In order to achieve that, we have released the new conan graph
command, that will allow you to:
Generate lockfiles for a given graph without running a complete installation (without downloading or rebuilding):
conan graph lock
Update packages that have been rebuilt in one lockfile generating a new one:
conan graph update-lock
Clean the modified packages in a lockfile to perform a new operation that will mark packages as modified:
conan graph clean-modified
Compute the packages that have to be rebuilt in order to achieve the result of a given lockfile:
conan graph build-order
Check the full reference of the commands in the documentation. You will also find a full example using lockfiles here:
Package ID modes for recipe and package revisions
We have increased the possibilities of the package ID
versioning schema including the
and package_revision_mode()
. These modes will make the package ID of a package depending on the
recipe revision (for the first mode) and on the package ID and package revision (for the latest mode) of the requirements.
def package_id(self):
# <name>/<version>@<user>/<channel>#<RREV> for all the dependencies
# <name>/<version>@<user>/<channel>#<RREV>:<package_id>#<PREV>
# for the "mypkgdep" dependency["mypkgdep"].package_revision_mode()
As done with the other modes, this can be separately applied to each recipe or configured globally as the default version schema in the Conan configuration file:
These modes are very important together with the lockfiles in order to achieve a fully reproducible graph, as this mode makes sure that the packages have been built with the exact same recipe revision and package revision in upstream dependencies. In other words, this will achieve exact binary addressing (the package revision is the hash of the contents), meaning that in case an upstream binary is rebuilt, it will induce a compulsory build of new binaries downstream.
Apple-clang 11.0 support
Apple released in June a new beta version of XCode 11.0 and it will stay in beta during some months. However, there are some brave developers already taking advantage of the new release, so we have included the new apple-clang 11 version in the default settings.yml file.
Remember that the values in this file are a convention for open source packages but you can customize the settings to fit your needs.
Usability improvements
There has been some improvements and deprecations in favor of the new syntax:
conan copy|download|upload
commands can be used indicating a full reference instead of the--package
flag (now deprecated). Remember that the download command can also specify the recipe and the package revision:$ conan download <name>/<version>@<user>/<channel>#<RREV>:<package_id>#<PREV> -r my_remote
The conanfile.txt recipe format now supports indicating a specific recipe revision for requirements:
[requires] MyPackage/1.2@user/channel#3453453453
Resolution of package search to resolve version ranges has been improved as well as the result is now displayed at the end of the installation:
$ conan install "boost/[>=1.68.0]@conan/stable" ... boost/[>=1.68.0]@conan/stable resolved to 'boost/1.70.0@lasote/stable' in remote 'conan-center'
Other UX improvements like unified progress bars, deprecation warning message for
configuration and the profile path showed in warning messages.

Have a look at the full list of features and fixes in the changelog.
Report any bug or share your feedback opening a new issue in our issue tracker and don’t forget to update. Have a good summer!